Monday, December 25, 2006

Do you speak english? Honi soit qui mal y pense!

-Hey! Long time no see! What's up?
-Nothing much, well... I gotta tell you something that happened to me recently. You won't believe it. I was walking in downtown Baton Rouge, when I suddenly came across one of those gorgeously glamourous femmes fatales...conveying a feeling of déjà-vu, as if I had already met her in one those reveries.
She has this little je-ne-sais-quoi to her.
She was dressed à la mode. It wasn't haute couture though,but she was as original as she was hot and terribly chic. I could imagine her sexy underwear under this faux fur coat. In a word it was quite risqué...
She really bewitched me the instant I peered into her was coup de foudre at first coup d'oeil....
It was hard to keep my sang-froid but I could not let her go, that was definitely a case of force majeure.

I was like : "Gotta talk to her, gotta see her again, or I'll die! and what if she had a fiancé?...I don't care anyway, just wanna have the occasion to see her again"
I sensed that she alone could break up the ennui of my daily routine.

And you know...I'm quite shy when it comes to women, so it was a real tour de force for me, but I finally brought myself to talk to her.

Surprisingly, she didn't pull a face at my attitude. She didn't take me as a vulgar provocateur, she must have found it interesting to meet someone new in such an usual way.
I suggested that we should go and have a drink at my little pied-à-terre and she accepted!!
While en route, I could smell the delicate perfume of her eau-de-toilette.
Moreover, she doesn't echoes the clichés about beautiful women, she's not naïve whatsoever.
On the contrary she showed great repartee and bon esprit.

The day after, we had a rendezvous in a french restaurant whose Chef is reputed for his nouvelle cuisine.
Thereafter, we indulged ourselves in one of those recherchés films noirs. As a conoisseur of that genre, I think I made the right choice, as she was scared enough to keep snuggling up to me from the very beguining...which allowed me to give her my first french kiss of the night.
And just to make this little sortie go on looking like a dream, we ended up in a four-star hotel, and thanks to God, the maître d' gave us the keys to the last remaining en-suite room.
I will never forget this god-blessed night...

-What the?...

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